Repair tiles - repair holes and cracks

Regardless of whether they appear in the kitchen, bathroom or any other room: If there are holes and cracks in the tiles, their appearance is greatly affected by this. Besides, damaged tiles, of course, do not look aesthetically pleasing even in the exterior. However, it is quite possible to eliminate cracks and holes in tiles, either in the form of replacement of the entire damaged tile or a repair. Which method to use depends mainly on how large the crack appears. As a rule, repairing the tile makes sense only if the damage is not too severe. If the damage is too large, the tile should be replaced in its entirety.

The repair of the tiles

. Basically, before repairing the tiles or repairing damage, it is necessary to carefully clean the respective substrate on the floor or wall. The existing holes must also be sanded. The next step is the application of the fusible block, which must exactly match the color of the tiles to be repaired. After the mass has dried completely, with the help of sandpaper sand off any excess on the surface. Finally, before applying cleaner to the repaired tiles, the residue from the sanding is removed. The following step-by-step instructions explain in detail how to proceed with the repair of the tiles.

Preparing the tile

Repairing damaged tiles proves to be particularly easy if a special repair kit is used for this purpose. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the damaged area. For the removal of sharp protrusions and edges is ideally used sandpaper, which has a grain size of 120. The surface is then cleaned so that no dirt and dust can be found on the tile. This is followed by the application of a special tile cleaner. This ensures that the surface is completely free of grease. In the follow-up, a Japan spatula is used to check whether there are still any unevennesses or elevations on the tile.

Close the damage

. From the respective repair set, the next step is to select the appropriate color for the tile at hand. To ensure that the color really fits when selecting, it is ideally held on the tile. The selected fusion block is then heated. Some of the liquid material is gradually poured over the damaged area of the tile. Alternatively, however, it is also possible to use the soldering iron and thus distribute the mass directly on the damage. This must be done until the area shows a little higher than the rest of the tile. Afterwards, a light sanding is still necessary. Incidentally, if the tile at hand has a more complex shade, it is also possible with the help of the soldering iron to heat different melting blocks and thus mix an individual shade that perfectly matches the particular tile.

Gouging the surface

. It usually only takes between 20 and 30 seconds for the touch-up compound to dry completely. The next step is then to plane the appropriate areas so that the surface of the tile is again shown to be flat, creating a neat and tidy transition. During this step it is necessary to clean the plane at regular intervals. With the hand is to pass over the surface, with a little touch-up compound and the soldering iron is then sealed. The area must then be allowed to dry completely before it is planed again. The work is completed by spraying the tile with cleaner so that it can be carefully cleaned. Provided that the perfect color was chosen for the tile repair and all steps were carried out according to the instructions, the tile will look like new again. Photo: blickpixel/